Over the past 50 years much of the effort in plant protection, fertilisation and soil amelioration in the garden has been focussed on chemical methods. Pesticides, fungicides, fertilisers and soil wetters have been the mainstay of the home gardener and some of these substances have serious side effects to plants, pets and gardeners. Research into …
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Understanding AgriSense Liquid Compost
In the production of Liquid Compost, which is sometimes referred to as “compost tea”, AgriSense takes as its starting point some basic principles as defined by the Soil Foodweb Institute. The Soil Foodweb is the dynamic interaction among living organisms in the soil and on plant roots and foliage. Properly managed, this interaction can optimize plant-available nutrition…
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Premium Compost
Intensive management of any soil takes its toll on the abundant population of beneficial soil organisms. Biodiversity and actual biomass declines and soil structure is badly affected by repeated management interventions. Pore spaces reduce with an attendant reduction of gaseous exchange, valuable organic carbon is oxidised and compaction begins to increase. As a result of…
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Proposed Biological Program for Blueberry
This program has been developed by Soil Foodweb Inc through close consultation with active growers of the North American Blueberry farming industry. It has been reproduced with the permission of Soil Foodweb Institute by AgriSense for your information, AgriSense welcomes your comment and suggestions regarding this program and the proprietor, being a Certified Soil Foodweb…
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