Agrisense Compost Tea

Compost tea as sold by Agrisense is an actively aerated compost tea brewed from several types of premium grade compost to provide a high level of diverse microbiology.

As a result of intensive management many soils have become biologically weak, once abundant populations of beneficial soil organisms have declined and soil structure has been badly affected. As soil structure collapses pore spaces in the soil reduce and the soil gradually becomes more compacted, in turn air exchange and moisture availability to the roots is reduced, and anaerobic conditions that favour disease-causing organisms can occur.

tired-soilAs the cycle continues moisture and nutrient retention also reduces, increasing runoff, erosion & the loss of nutrients. Liquid Compost is used for two reasons:

  1. To inoculate microbial life into the soil or onto the foliage of plants,
  2. To add soluble nutrients to the foliage or to the soil to feed the organisms and the plants present.


AgriSense Liquid Compost combines a number of natural products (including kelps, fish products, and organic acids) to maximise its biological potency.

In addition to its biological properties AgriSense Liquid Compost introduces a range of plant growth hormones and enzymes to encourage plant growth, and provides a broad range of trace minerals.

Active aeration provides an oxygen rich inoculum that selects for non-pathogenic organisms that will crowd out these disease-initiating pathogens, prey on them and exclude them from the roots and tissues of your crop.

With regular use, the correct foods and time, compost tea will create a disease suppressive soil.

Compost tea application will:

  • Reduce compaction & improve soil structure
  • Improve drainage
  • Enhance moisture retention
  • Stimulate root growth
  • Increase nutrient cycling & retention
  • Breakdown salts & chemical residues
  • Reduce foliar & soil disease pressure
  • Provide natural protection from disease
  • Reduce thatch
  • Increase Cation Exchange (CEC) & pH buffering


Importantly compost tea is easy to apply as it is a liquid and does not require soil disturbance. It must be applied fresh, treat it like milk.

Keep it cool and use all of it within 24 to 48 hours of receipt.

Do not apply in the heat of the day and water in well. Can be used as an antifungal foliar spray.

Agrisense compost tea is produced in accordance with the strict quality guidelines required to produce a Soil Food Web International accredited compost tea.

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